If there were any implicit dependencies that you had to observe while doing the cleaning, specifically list them and the rational for them. List in your documentation that you HAVE cleaned your mods and which version of TES5Edit you used for it.Manually review every override record your module(s) contain to make sure that that's really what you intended to do. Cleaning mods is NOT just limited to running the automated functions and be done with it.Closely review all changes to make sure they preserve the intent of your mod. You are the one who really knows the intention of your mod. The result is a central repository of information that can be accessed by anyone. This data is then extracted and displayed to the user by LOOT when it runs, and the data can also be accessed by other utilities that make use of the LOOT API.

The LOOT team provides a focus for community efforts to raise awareness regarding mod cleaning, by accepting reports of dirty mods and attaching them to the relevant plugins in the LOOT masterlist as messages containing a link to this wiki page, along with any additional information supplied. Mod authors need to ensure that their mods are clean, because they only need to clean their mod once for all future users to benefit, whereas every single user of a dirty mod would have to clean it themselves, which is hugely inefficient. Mod quality is a community-wide problem that needs to be properly addressed on a community level. Second, and following from the first, depending on how the cleaning was done, people end up with slightly different versions of these modules, which is going to make support in case of problems a nightmare for the mod author. There might be implicit dependencies on other mods which are not part of the master list. First, to properly clean mods usually requires an understanding of the intent of the mod author. It's NOT a good idea for everyone to just go ahead and clean their full load order and then forget about it. As such, a community-wide effort is required to raise awareness and so reduce the incidence of dirty mods. The principal reason for the presence of dirty mods is a lack of awareness of the issues surrounding dirty mods and the importance of mod cleaning. 7.6 Appendix B - Manually Cleaning Dawnguard.7.4.14 Checking for Circular Leveled Lists.7.4.12 Listing Master File References from a specific plugin.7.4.11 Using Clean Masters to purge un-used Master File References.7.4.10 When should you use Sort Masters?. Quick Auto Clean Method (Recommended).7.4.6 Configuring QAC for your mod manager.7.4.5 Cleaning using a Desktop Shortcut.7.4.3 Different ways to activate Quick Auto Clean.7.4.2 Why must I clean one file at a time?.

圎dit What's New and Version Info 圎dit Cleaning and-Error Checking Contents. Cheat Sheets and Quick Reference Charts 13.